You would have to live under a rock to be unaware of all the recent news reports regarding the ransomware attacks that are occurring, more and more frequently. There have been more than 40 publicly reported ransomware attacks against food companies, alone, since May 2020, according to Allan Liska, senior security architect at the cybersecurity analytics firm Recorded Future. Moreover, this affects trucking companies, whether by the direct or indirect attack. Look at what happened when JBS SA, the world’s largest meat producer and Colonial Pipeline Co., operator of the biggest U.S. gasoline pipeline, when they were hit earlier this year by ransomware. In addition, most recently, Kaseya, an information technology firm. (More on that, below). Trucks were parked because production had stopped. Parked trucks mean a loss of revenue!
That is why it is very important to us, at TMS Digital, to know that the Transportation Software we provide our customers is in a safe and protected environment. Our software apps, whether you run it as a stand-alone app or as a full service server system, are hosted on secure servers. We can assure you our data servers, with an over 95% success rate, are ransomware, malware and virus free.
Our parent company, Protected Harbor defines ransomware as:
“Ransomware is a type of malware that interferes with a system or server by limiting or entirely cutting off access to files until a ransom is paid. The attacker demands a ransom from the victim to restore access to the data upon payment. Ransomware has become one of the most lucrative ways for hackers to target companies and organizations.” For more information regarding our services, click here.
The most recent attack on a data provider affected between 800 – 1500 businesses around the world.
Quoted from Reuters:
“WASHINGTON, July 5 (Reuters) – Between 800 and 1,500 businesses around the world have been affected by a ransomware attack centered on U.S. information technology firm Kaseya, its chief executive said on Monday. Fred Voccola, the Florida-based company’s CEO, said in an interview that it was hard to estimate the precise impact of Friday’s attack because those hits were mainly customers of Kaseya’s customers.
Kaseya is a company that provides software tools to IT outsourcing shops: companies that typically handle back-office work for companies too small or modestly resourced to have their own tech departments.
One of those tools was subverted on Friday, allowing the hackers to paralyze hundreds of businesses on all five continents. Although most of those affected have been small concerns – like dentists’ offices or accountants – the disruption has been felt more keenly in Sweden, where hundreds of supermarkets had to close because their cash registers were inoperative, or New Zealand, where schools and kindergartens were knocked offline. To read more, click here.”
Become Safe and Secure
In addition, to be safe and secure, our trucking IFTA Reporting software is one of the best, easiest and affordable apps on the market today! With over 35 years of experience, this program has been finely honed into IFTA calculating software that is easy to use, efficient and absolutely loaded with auditing options to be a perfect custom fit for your trucking business. Your IFTA clerks will enjoy having trip browser screens that display the information that they need to see at a glance.
If we are not currently interfacing with your ELD model or Fuel Card (we interface with most, already), call us. If it can export data or offers an API, we can interface with it! And, along with our secure hosting, the IFTA Manager software, itself, offers security features to keep prying eyes out of options they don’t need to be in.
So what more could you ask for? Not only are you getting a powerful Transportation Management IFTA Calculation Software system, but you can also know that it is stored on secure servers free from threats. And better yet, you can remote in from anywhere that has internet access, not only your office or home but while on vacation on a lovely beach!! And know, that no matter where you log in from, your data is safe and secure!
Contact us today for a demo and a quote. You will find that along with the powerful features and the secure storage, our TMS Digital IFTA Manager program is quite affordable! We offer an entire suite of Transportation software, including Dispatch, Maintenance, EDI interface, Driver Safety and much more! If you are not an over the road operation, but still need TMS software for your short haul, dump truck type operation, ask us about our TMS Digital Tickets program! We look forward to hearing from you!