Why TMS Digital Dispatch?

Which dispatch software is right for you when it comes to dispatching your trucks?

There are so many choices available when you are looking for a new logistics software program for your trucking business. With all the Transport Management Systems out there, how can you know which dispatch software is right for you when it comes to dispatching your trucks?

I am sure you have already researched and you realize that some are so expensive; they make you catch your breath. In addition, perhaps you have already tried the “cheap” ones and realized that they were priced low for a reason.

Since you are reading this, I would venture it is a safe guess that you are wondering what TMS Digital Dispatch has to offer? Well, let me tell you.

Number One, our Dispatch program has been around for over 35 years. Two, we are affordable. We are not “cheap” but our pricing will not cause you to have a coronary, either! Our Dispatch software makes it easy for your dispatchers to keep track of their loads, trucks, drivers and trailers. And Three, our program is adaptable.

As mentioned above, we have been around for over 35 years. During that time we have fielded almost every type of request a dispatch could ask for and have incorporated those suggestions into our program. Along with the standard TL, LTL, Crossdock, Deadhead, Brokerage and Intermodal features and options, we will also customize your invoices, broker fax agreements, Load Sheets and reports to fit your business needs.

Our TMS Digital Dispatch interfaces with most of the popular accounting programs on the market today. Our customers love that they can break out revenue to different GL accounts, for example additional charges on a load like detention or truck wash can be tracked to different revenue GL accounts than the haul revenue. And it is automated, so your billing clerk doesn’t even have to give it a thought when they are printing and posting invoices!

But, that is not all. We also can setup automated custom payroll calculations for settling with your drivers and/or owner-operators. We have proven we are up to the challenge, even on the most complicated of payroll formulas.

We also have imaging options to tie images directly to the loads, drivers, or trucks that the paperwork belongs to. Just imagine being able to click an image button and immediately have access to the POD or XXX tied to the load you have highlighted. Alternatively, clicking the image button on a carrier and instantly seeing his insurance documents or on a driver to see his driver’s license or ooops, speeding tickets!

The TMS Digital Dispatch program also offers built in customization for setting up the data browser screens to, at a glance, display information that you want to see quickly. Our TMS Digital technicians can set your screens up to be color-coded. This is a very handy tool. Color-coding can be triggered off of fields in the different browser screens. For example, loads might be different colors based on different terminals. Drivers might have different colors based on license expiration dates. Alternatively, Carriers based on Liability Certificate Expiration Dates. Those are just a few examples.

While the TMS Digital Dispatch software system, with its built-in Billing and Payroll Settlement options, is often purchased as a stand-alone program, it also can be run as part of a suite or in a combination with our other TMS Digital programs. We have an EDI module that allows you to import 204 loads, or send out 210 invoices for billing. And, we have 214s for load status updates.

If over-the-road Dispatch software is not what you were looking for, we have a program called Tickets. It is centered more on short repetitive hauling, for example, loads of gravel to a construction site. TMS Digital Tickets is easy to use and allow you to enter all of your information in one organized screen. Your billing info, where you are picking up, and where you are delivering to. Enter your weight, rates, and rate types, as well as any additional charges and your driver’s pay. Easy, easy, easy!

One of our popular new programs is our IFTA Manager, which evolved from our Mileage and Fuel Tax program and our Fuel Card program. IFTA Manager lets you import from your trucks ELD GPS tracking computer for state miles and combines it with the fuel transactions you import from your fuel card company.

We also offer an Equipment Maintenance program for tracking work done on your trucks or third-party trucks and a Driver Safety program that organizes any imaginable information pertaining to your drivers including drug tests and accidents.

So contact us today! We will be happy to answer your questions and show you a demo. With the dispatch program, we can even give you a free two-week trial.


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